Guide to Production of Fuel Pellets from Biomass

Guide to Production of Fuel Pellets from Biomass

Nowadays, saving money is important. Using a stove is a very efficient way to save money in the long run. With each passing day, more people are seeing the advantages of pellet stoves. The usage of pellet stoves has increased. 

With the increasing demand for wood pellet fuel, more opportunities are created. People are looking for ways to create wood pellets at home. In this guide, we will look into ways to produce fuel pellets from biomass. 

What is a Biomass Wood Pellet?

You can make biomass pellets at a palletization plant. At these biomass pellet plants, unused wood from different sources is collected, and sawmill residues are also brought together. 

At the plant, these pieces of wood are chipped. Then, they are checked for quality. The good quality wood is then heated in wood pellet stoves and boilers. The heating process decreases the moisture content of food below 12%. 

After heating, this wood is converted into fine powder. Then, you have to press it through a grate to create standard pellets. They are solid, short, dense biomass pellets.

How to Produce Fuel Pellets from Biomass? 

Normally, we use biomass to produce pellets. However, in addition to biomass, raw materials like straw, grasses, wood waste, and energy crops like corn can be used. We call them biomass pall fuel. 

Producing biomass fuel is a process of skills. You need to have some knowledge and a deep understanding of what equipment is needed for fuel pellet production. 

Properties of Biomass Pellets

With increasing demand for biomass and bioenergy, a special focus is placed on wood pellet production. This is to ensure that the pellet market has biomass pellets that are generally a superior fuel when compared to their raw feedstock.

Some of the properties of these biomass pellets are as follows:

  • These pellets are dense and have greater energy efficiency.
  • They are easier to handle compared to other energy sources.
  • You can produce and consume them through automated feed systems.
  • They are more ecologically friendly than other power plants.
  • Biomass fuels are renewable energy sources.

The standard shape of a fuel pellet is cylindrical. They generally have a diameter of 6 to 8 millimeters and a length of no more than 38 millimeters. Larger pellets are also occasionally manufactured. Pellets that are larger than 25 millimeters are called briquettes.

How are Biomass Pellets Made?

Biomass pellets are made in biomass pellet machines. In the process, the raw biomass is first cleaned. Cleaning is important to remove any waste that might damage the machine.

The cleaned biomass materials are then grounded in a hammer mill. In the mill, they are chipped into smaller pieces, all of equal sizes and shapes. It is important to make sure that the thickness of the pieces is less than the final pellets.

Once chipped, these are ground down. Grinding biomass helps in reducing the horsepower the pellet mill must produce. If the biomass is high in moisture, it must be dried to approximately 10 percent moisture content.

Biomass Pellet Mill to Make High-Quality Biomass Pellets

Biomass pellets are biofuels made from compressed organic matter or biomass. Biomass pellet fuel’s calorific value is large, about 3900-4800 kcal /kg. 

As biomass pellets don’t contain sulfur phosphorus, combustion does not produce sulfur dioxide and phosphorus pentoxide. As a result, it will not cause any acid rain. It does not pollute the atmosphere or the environment.

Biomass pellet mills help create settings with clean sanitation. These high-quality biomass pellets have the following benefits:

  • Make feeding convenient.
  • Reduce the labor intensity of workers
  • Greatly improved the working environment
  • Industries using pellets will reduce the cost of labor.
  • The volume of pellets is compressed.
  • Storage space is saved.
  • Transportation is easy.
  • Reduces transportation costs.

When biomass pellet combustion is used, the content of harmful gas composition is extremely low, resulting in less emission of harmful gas and providing environmental protection benefits. Additionally, the ash produced from combustion can be directly utilized as potash, resulting in cost savings.

Benefits of Using Biomass Pellets

Biomass pellets have appeared as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative in the domain of renewable energy. They are produced from organic materials, such as wood, agricultural residues, and other biomass sources.

As a result, they offer a lot of benefits that contribute to both environmental and economic sustainability. Here is a list of the key advantages of using biomass pellets:

1. Renewable and Sustainable

Biomass pellets are produced from renewable sources. This makes them a sustainable energy option. As long as biomass materials are managed responsibly, the fuel source can be refilled continuously.

2. Reduced Carbon Footprint

Biomass pellets contribute a lot in reducing carbon emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. The combustion of biomass releases carbon dioxide. However, this is part of the natural carbon cycle, as plants absorb CO2 during their growth.

3. Efficient Energy Production

Biomass pellets have a high energy density. Hence, they are a concentrated and efficient fuel source. Their uniform size and shape allow consistent combustion. As a result, they are efficient energy production for various applications.

4. Cost-Effective Option

In many areas, biomass pellets are a cost-effective alternative to traditional fuels. The cost stability and relatively low production expenses contribute to their affordability. This makes them an attractive option for both residential and industrial users.

5. Versatility in Use

Biomass pellets find applications in a diverse range of industries. From residential heating to powering industrial processes and generating electricity, their versatility makes them adaptable to various energy needs.

6. Local Economic Benefits

The production and use of biomass pellets can stimulate local economies. Jobs are created in the forestry, agriculture, and pellet production sectors, contributing to community development.

7. Waste Reduction and Valorization

Biomass pellets are often produced from agricultural residues, forestry by-products, and other organic waste materials. Using these materials for energy production helps reduce waste and promotes the valorization of biomass resources.

8. Energy Independence

The use of biomass pellets plays a role in energy independence by increasing the resources for energy. This can be especially beneficial for regions aiming to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels.

9. Energy Storage and Transport

Biomass pellets are easy to store and transport, making them a practical choice for energy storage solutions. Their compact and standardized form allows for efficient handling. It reduces logistical challenges linked with other biomass forms.

10. Incentives and Support Programs

Many governments and environmental agencies offer incentives and support programs for the use of biomass pellets. This can include financial incentives, tax credits, and grants, encouraging businesses and individuals to adopt sustainable energy practices.


In this article, we have discussed the importance of biomass fuel pellets and how these biomass pellets can be used. With the increasing population and industrialization, it is important to use energy sources that can be regenerated and are environmentally friendly. If you are looking for more ways to produce these energy-dense pellets, you can contact us and get all the tips you need.